While carpets enhance your room’s overall aesthetics and appearance, they can be affected by any type of stain. Sometimes, it is a challenge to remove certain kinds of stains. These stains would be a permanent addition to the classic design of your carpet. However, they can be easily removed with the help of professional cleaning assistance.

Learning More About Tough Carpet Stains:

In most cases, spilling or careless handling causes carpet staining. When these liquid objects dry down, removing the stain becomes more challenging. However, the professionals in Kent use modern-day tools for carpet cleaning. This makes the stain removal task much easier and more effective.

Challenging Carpet Stains that Professionals Can Remove:

You were wrong if you thought these tough stains were hard to remove from carpets. Look at the list below for proper information, and stop worrying about carpet stains.

  • Wax Stains: If you spot loose wax on the carpet surface, scrape it with a flat object like a butter knife. However, ensure that the knife does not damage the carpet fabric. Professional cleaners can remove the remaining tough wax chunks with a vacuum cleaner. You can also apply water on a wet towel and dab it on the stain. After successfully removing the wax stains, air dry the carpet.
  • Blood: Another common material that can create a tough stain on your carpet. If it dries down, remove it with a soft-bristled brush. You can also create a homemade solution consisting of water and dishwashing detergent. Dampen a white fabric and dab it on the carpet surface that has been affected. Repeat the process until the whole bloodstain has been absorbed.

These common carpet stains can make you worried about their removal. If you want to perform the task under professional guidance, contact a reliable name like AJ Floor Care Limited. We are a prominent source offering assistance in carpet cleaning in Kent. You can contact us or visit our website to learn more about our carpet cleaning process.